current semester (fall 2019)

Courses currently being taught:

  • ECO 100: Introduction to Economic Principles (Franklin & Marshall College)

previous experience

I’ve taught the following courses at the undergraduate level (links to the most recent syllabus are provided for each course):

Course Institution Semester(s)
Money & Banking U of Utah f2015, sp2016, su2016, f2016, sp2017, f2017, sp2018
International Economics U of Utah su2017, su2018
Principles of Microeconomics U of Utah sp2016

sample syllabi for other courses:

teaching effectiveness

  • Teaching Philosophy Statement
  • Summary of Teaching Evaluations (2015-2018)

    • Instructor questions:

      The following figure shows the mean response to questions relating to instructor effectiveness for each semester that I taught courses; the student survey includes statements about the instructor’s effectiveness, which are evaluated on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree). The survey questions on instructor effectiveness are: (1) “the instructor was organized;” (2) “the instructor presented course content effectively;” (3) “the instructor created/supported a classroom environment that was respectful;” (4) “the instructor demonstrated thorough knowledge of the subject”; (5) “as appropriate, the instructor encouraged questions and opinions;” (6) “the instructor was available for consultation with students;” (7) “overall, this was an effective instructor.” The department average (for all courses offered by the economics department) is provided for reference.

    • Course questions:

      The following figure shows the mean response to questions relating to the effectiveness of the course overall; again, responses range from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree). The survey questions relating to course effectiveness are: (1) "the course objectives were clearly stated;" (2) "the course objectives were met;" (3) "the course content was well organized;" (4) "the course materials were helpful in meeting course objectives;" (5) "assignments and exams reflected what was covered in the course;" (6) "I learned a great deal in this course;" (7) "overall, this was an effective course."

      A complete set of teaching evaluations is available upon request.